Our Ultimate Painting Guide

"It's all in the prep"

Painting a room can transform the entire ambiance of your home. However, before you pick up that paintbrush, a crucial step that many homeowners often overlook is proper preparation. Properly preparing your room before painting ensures a smooth, professional-looking finish that will stand the test of time. In this comprehensive guide, we will walk you through the best way to prepare for a successful painting project.

1.       Clear the Room:

The first step to a successful paint job is to declutter and clear the room of all furniture, decorations, and fixtures. Emptying the room allows you to move freely and reduces the risk of paint splatters on your beloved belongings. Remember to cover any heavy furniture that cannot be removed with drop cloths or plastic sheets to protect them from accidental spills.

2.       Inspect and Repair Walls:

Examine the walls for any imperfections, such as cracks, holes, or loose paint. Patch up these areas using a high-quality filler  and sand down the rough spots until the surface is smooth and even. This step ensures a flawless finish and helps the paint adhere better to the walls.

3.       Clean the Walls:

Dust, dirt, and grime can prevent the paint from adhering properly to the walls. Give the walls a thorough cleaning with a mixture of mild detergent and water. For particularly stubborn stains, use a degreaser or a sugar soap solution to achieve a clean surface.

4.       Tape and Protect:

To achieve sharp, clean edges and prevent paint bleed, use painter's tape, we love to use frog tape to mask off areas such as skirting boards, trim, and windows. Ensure that the tape is firmly pressed against the surface to avoid any gaps. Cover floors with drop cloths or plastic sheets to protect them from accidental drips and spills.

5.       Prime the Walls:

Priming the walls is a crucial step, especially if you are painting over dark or unevenly coloured surfaces. A good primer creates a uniform base, enhances paint adhesion, and helps to achieve a more even colour. Choose a primer and apply it evenly across the surface.

6.       Choose High-Quality Paint:

Selecting high-quality paint is essential for a long-lasting and aesthetically pleasing result. Look for paints that are low in volatile organic compounds (VOCs) for a healthier indoor environment. Additionally, consider the finish that suits your needs, such as flat for a matte look, satin for a soft sheen, or semi-gloss for easy cleaning. Check we get all of our paints from Orion Paints in Kirkby

7.       Stir and Strain the Paint:

Before you start painting, stir the paint thoroughly to ensure an even color and consistency. Additionally, strain the paint to remove any lumps or impurities, ensuring a smooth application, sometimes if the paint is too thick, it’s a good idea to water it down slightly.

8.       Cutting In and Rolling:

Start by "cutting in" the edges of the walls with a brush, carefully painting along corners and edges. This creates a border for the main coat of paint, which you can then apply using a roller for faster and more efficient coverage. Work in small sections, keeping a wet edge to avoid visible lines.

9.       Apply Multiple Coats:

For a professional finish, apply two or more coats of paint, allowing each coat to dry completely before applying the next. This step ensures even coverage and a vibrant, long-lasting colour.

Properly preparing a room for painting is an indispensable step in achieving a flawless and long-lasting finish. From clearing the room and inspecting the walls to using high-quality paint and applying multiple coats, each step plays a crucial role in the overall result. By following these guidelines, your painting project will not only look stunning but also stand the test of time, leaving you with a room you can proudly call your own. Happy painting! However if you don’t fancy a DIY job, contact us below.